What happens to escrow balance when you sell?

When you sell your home, the lender must receive full payment on the remaining balance of your mortgage. After receiving full payment and canceling your property title claim, the lender will no longer make property tax or homeowner's insurance payments on your behalf and will have to close the escrow account. If there is a positive balance left in the account, the lender will refund the balance to you. Your home equity account pays homeowner's insurance and property tax bills.

When you sell your house and close it down, you won't have to pay those bills anymore. As such, your escrow account will disappear and you will receive a check from your lender to cover the balance. In addition, escrow refunds can be made when you pay off your entire mortgage. The remaining funds in the account must be returned to you.

Some states also pay interest on funds in escrow accounts, which can lead to a surplus and the need for a refund. If, at the close of the sale of the home, there is a deficit, rather than a surplus, in your escrow account, the lender may require you to pay it before canceling your title claim. After closing the mortgage, the mortgage servicing company will open a bank account known as an escrow account. The term escrow refers to a third party who owns an item and then acts on it when certain conditions are met.

Escrow is a legal agreement in which a third party temporarily holds money or property until a particular condition (such as compliance with a purchase agreement) is met. If the lender requires you to maintain that margin, your escrow account balance will never reach zero, unless the lender's calculations aren't accurate, you don't make your payments, or your annual payment obligations change. With that in mind, read on to learn more about escrow fees, what they include, and how much you can expect to pay. If you're buying a home, you're likely to hear the word “escrow” in a few different contexts.

The amount you get here is the total amount that the mortgage servicing company can keep in your escrow account. Escrow accounts are a convenient way for all parties involved in the lending process to ensure that the necessary bills that must be paid to protect the property are paid on time. The escrow company not only manages the buyer's deposit, but it may also be responsible for keeping the deed and other documents related to the sale of the home. The existing escrow account cannot be transferred unless your current lender is the same as your new lender, in which case your payment will be reduced with your current escrow balance.

If the lender has already removed the money from your escrow account, you must make the payments with your own funds. If your escrow account paid your taxes after the closing date, you'll receive a refund at the time of closing for any taxes you overpaid. When you buy a home, you'll most likely hear that you need to maintain an escrow account with your mortgage company.